Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing


Current Word Count: 85,056

Word count running log.

Sorry to shout, but I am so excited!!!!! I wrote 3,158 words yesterday and 2,897 words today. I was really into the story and could not stop. My heart is truly filled with joy!!!!!!!

My Dad has been reading my book for more than a week now, and will finish it tomorrow. I cannot wait to hear from the first person who has read the entire story.

Oh, what is next, you may be asking. Editing. I need to go over the entire story before giving it to my Editor. I have a bad habit of writing in present tense, but the book should be in past tense. I also have to look for grammatical issues and anything else I find.

This is a HUGE milestone on my journey of writing, but certainly not the end!

Final word count description.