Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

New Leg of The Tour

Twenty One Pilots email about a new leg of the current tour.

Another leg of the tour, huh? That was unexpected. I don’t think this changes anything, because there is still a break between the festivals (9/7/2019) and next leg of the tour (10/9/2019). It is a small window of time, so I need to get the manuscript mailed out by 9/1/2019.

If I mail the book – care of Fueled by Ramen – for Josh and Tyler (separate packages), then hopefully it will get to them while they are still home. It feels like so much hinges on getting this right.

I have a new counter going. Instead of a word count, it is pages edited. I adjusted the tracker from Jessica Brody’s Productivity Hacks ( course) and it works perfectly.

I started editing yesterday and made my goal date 8/10/2019. The editing is a lot slower going than I hoped, but I knew there was a lot to do. I just need to work at a steady pace.

Current Editing Count: 8 of 150 pages
(8 pages finished out of 150)