Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Check Mark

Current Editing Count: 161 of 161 pages

Information on daily page count.

Next milestone finished. First round editing – check mark!

My editor is working on the document, and I already received some feedback. It is all very positive and only minor changes so far. Hopefully, it will stay that way.

Interestingly enough, there are several people who have read my book and all the feedback has been great! There were a few places that needed additional information. This had more to do with trying to be mysterious about my characters, but frustrating the reader instead. The main complaint was not stating the age of my main character. You should all be proud, because it is now plainly stated in the book.

What is next you may ask? It seems like we are always asking that question. I need to work on a logline, tagline, and blurb.