Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Writing again?

Current Word Count: 2,391

The files are still with the printer, and I should be able to pickup a proof today. I am really looking forward to holding the book in my hands.

So, now what? FYI, I am a list girl. I have a long list of things that I need to do to finish Rescuers From DEMA, but I cannot do these things before getting permission for publication from TØP. This means I am at a standstill.

I have tried several ways of reaching out to TØP ‘s inner circle, but have not been successful. I will simply fall back on the original plan of sending out the printed book. Despite what I wrote in my previous post, I have to believe that this will work. Faith in the process I set forth for myself restored (sort of), I need to continue working on this project.

My Dad and I talked a lot over the last few days about the book, trying to get it in the hands of TØP, and what might come next. He encouraged me to start writing the next book, since it would be better to have more material to show. I agree in-so-much that I need to have something to do, so I started writing again yesterday.

Since finishing RFD, I have not allowed myself to think about the next story. I knew there were many things I needed to do with the current book before diving into another. Thinking about theories and story lines wouldn’t be helpful until I was ready to put pen to paper, so to speak.

When I finally made the decision to write, I woke up at 4 AM with the opening idea for book #2. I laid in bed thinking the idea through until I needed to get to the computer and type it up. As you can see from the current word count above, I have a good start on the story. I re-read the beginning several times, and I am pleased with it.

Sorry for the purposefully blurry picture, but as much excitement as you may have, you don’t really want me to ruin book 2.

Blurred text from book 2.

I appreciate knowing the rules of writing as I begin the second book, because I feel ahead of the curve as compared to last time. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure I don’t know all the things I am supposed to be doing, but even having something as simple as a word count sheet has been beneficial. I am currently 352 words above my “needed” word count for the day, and 27 days ahead of my 3 month deadline. While this might not mean much to most, it makes me feel like I am on task.

Think good thoughts for me as I keep going!