Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Book In Hand

Current Word Count: 42,639

The Pepsi Center at 4:30 am on a cold morning.
Winter weather advisory report for the day of the concert.

I had the pleasure and opportunity to go to the Twenty Øne Piløts concert at the Pepsi Center in Denver on October 27th. I got to the stadium at 4:30 am and was told I could not line up until 6:00 am. I went back to my car to warm up…oh, did I mention it was below freezing and snowing? Turns out there was a huge group of fans in the parking structure across from the venue, some of which had camped out since Wednesday.

The number 108 on my hand.

This highly organized group were giving people numbers to indicate where each person was in line. I was given number 108. Yup, there were 108 people there before me. At 6:00 am we all paraded to the Pepsi Center and made a home for the day.

Camping outside the Pepsi Center, waiting for the concert.

Although it was miserably cold, I had an amazing time. There was so much friendship, giving, and kindness between everyone. I have camped out for many concerts and never experienced such a wonderful group of cohesive people.

Group of fans in front of the Pepsi Center waiting for the concert.

There was also an appearance from Ned.

A character from the TOP universe named Ned.
A close-up picture of a character from the TOP universe named Ned.

Mark Eshleman taking video of the crowd  singing The Hype.

Mark Eshleman of Real Bear Media, who is also Creative Director of Twenty Øne Piløts, came out to take crowd shots of people singing The Hype. The footage was ultimately edited and shown during the concert. I saw a post on Reddit that Mark did this at a previous show, so I brought RFD books with me in hopes of catching up with him. After Mark finished taking videos of the crowd, he walked back into the Pepsi Center with three of my books!! — Thank you Taylor (Bishop) for being part of that experience.