Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing


Current Word Count: 48,805

Well, if you look at my current word count, you can see that I am a little over half-way finished with the book. Alternately, if you compare my word count to my last post (43,270), you will notice writing slowed dramatically over the last 22 days. I only wrote 5,535 words in 22 days. Yes…yes, we can break that down more…it also means I only wrote about 250 words per day. That is not true though, I had many days where I wrote 0 words.

I am not stopping. I’m not really slowing. I just had a time where it was hard to sit and keep focused on anything. I am trying to move through it.

Today is the last day before a week long break from school, for my kids and myself. My plan is to rest and try to get back to a place where I can find peace and escape when I sit at my computer.

Excerpt from the book.

This was one of the last things I wrote yesterday. Am I projecting? Maybe.