Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Cold But Working

Ice, snow texture on the ground.

Somehow, I was not ready for the bitter cold that welcomed me this morning. It was interesting to see the crazy snow/ice texture near my car. Once I made it safely inside, without sliding to my death, I found it even more fascinating.

On to the subject of writing and editing. I’m beginning to wonder if editing is ever really finished. I can already see that once I have completed adding all of the new elements to this version of book 1, I will need to go back and edit the book again. I will highlight the new parts, so I can give them all a good once-over, but I will need to re-edit the book to be sure everything makes sense as a whole. Again, I’m really glad I love the story so much!

I wanted to give you all another taste. I am revealing the last line that I finished editing for the day.