Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Finished, Again

I finished writing/editing, again. I’m thoroughly happy with the changes I made to the story. I added a number of new characters, changed the names of some people/concepts, and padded the ending. What is next you ask? Although you ask that a lot, I am happy to tell you…editing! I will need to go through the entire book again to ensure all parts are as perfect as they can be. Once complete, I will send it to some readers to make sure they think it is perfect too.

One last teaser. You get very little though, because the passage is from the end.

Excerpt from the book.

On another note, I wanted to share a picture of a flower within the bouquet I received from one of the families at school. I do not expect and generally discourage families from giving me anything. That being said, I have really enjoyed the variety of gorgeous flowers and appreciated the sentiment behind the sweet gesture.