Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Tagged and Edited

I tagged and edited every blog post. I also resized a few pictures. The blog looks pretty good, now. I really enjoyed going through everything and reliving parts of my writing process. Thankfully, it seems like I have grown as an author and a person.

The crystal ball (nah, I have a list) now says I should go back to researching query letter writing. Since I think goal setting is a spectacular motivator, I will set a date of May 25th to have the general part of my query letter written (book specific). By May 29th, I will ensure the personalized portion of the QL is complete, for at least one agent. I will allow a few days to perfect the wording and get feedback from a few select people. The first letter will go out by June 4th.

Beautiful blue sky seen between branches.

The Denver weather has settled (for now), so I have spent recent days outside on my computer. The picture shows you the view of the beautiful blue sky above me. Being outdoors has helped with the overpowering stir-crazy feeling most people must have right now.

I also wanted to show a picture I took on my way to the grocery store a few days ago. I absolutely LOVE yard flamingos (no idea why), so I had to document the cleverness.

Yard flamingo with a quarantine mask.