Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Best Laid Plans

Sometimes I wonder why I set timeline goals for myself. It reminds me of the four rules of planning on TikTok.
#1. Make the plan
#2. Execute the plan
#3. Expect the plan to go off the rails
#4. Throw away the plan

Right now, I am throwing away the plan. No less than a day after I made the query timeline, I got news from a friend that aspects of the publishing industry may be slowing down right now. It is understandable, and I need to take a breath. Let’s be clear, I am not stopping. I will engage in a variety of activities that further my progression towards publishing.

I have continued researching querying, which led me back to working on my social media standing. Oh Facebook, how I loathe thee. I need to embrace the platform, but it is so late in the game that I am having difficulty getting off my high horse of not using it. I need to look beyond the way Facebook was initially used (stupidly) and see the marketing/connecting potential.

I’m also editing/writing the book specific portion of the query letter. The immense information found on Query Shark blog has really given me direction. I took the initial blurb written for the book and have edited/transformed it no less than ten times. Some of the editing rounds were minor, but many were almost rewrites of entire sections. I will let the new book explanation breathe for a day, and then look at it again.

Pink flower with white flowers in the background.

Thankfully, my family took time this weekend to walk around the neighborhood. We really enjoyed seeing all the plants in bloom!

White flowers with a bee.
Blueish purple flowers.