Query #1

I officially sent my first query letter to a literary agent. I chose one who was looking for young adult books and listed an interest in science fiction/fantasy. I’m still having a crisis of genre, but SF/F is under the same speculative fiction umbrella as dystopian. Either way, I have decided to go with this […]

pink flower

Forcing Myself To Focus

For the last few days, I forced myself to shift focus back to query writing. I am still trying to figure out comps, and thankfully stumbled across a great article yesterday that helped. The Importance (And Subjectiveness) Of Comparative Titles In Querying delves into many aspects of comparative books for queries. The part I found […]


As I sit outside, the wind is blowing by, creating a breeze on my face and peace in my mind. It is the most peaceful time I have encountered in awhile. There is so much going on in our world, country, state, city, and neighborhoods. So much pain, unrest, and sadness. I have not felt […]

So Much Research

In so many ways, I have been out of touch for the last few weeks. The school year has finally given way to summer. While the time between last Friday and today may not feel different to most, the control of learning has shifted in my household. Don’t get me wrong, the kids did a […]