Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

New Query, Again

Total Queries: 14
Total Rejections: 3

pink and white flower at a park

On an incredibly positive note, I finished a short synopsis for my book and sent queries to three agents who requested it in their guidelines. YAY! Lets just take a moment to be happy. — So nice, isn’t it!

Ok, back to reality. I have also been busy rewriting my query, again. It is a cross between the first two queries. Hopefully, it is the best parts of the queries made into one stellar invitation into my book! The act of writing another query, reading it, re-reading, adding, subtracting, sending it to my sister, adjusting it, sending it to my sister again, and re-reading again is very tiresome work. Hopefully, this version pays off.

I am very excited about ALL the agents who I queried so far, but one had “I don’t believe dystopia is dead” written in her wish list blurb. This gives me hope!

Flowers at a park

I took pictures of these flowers during the in-between time of writing queries at a park today.