Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Keep Going

Total Queries: 18
Total Rejections: 3

As I sit here querying, I hear Dory’s words “just keep swimming, just keep swimming” over and over in my head. It would be annoying if it wasn’t so cute. I am working my way through the agent list I made months ago. I have been updating as I go along, and will need to do a completely new search when I am finished with the current Excel doc.

There has been a lot of agents shifting agencies lately. I am sure this is always true, but there are a few agencies that have lost many agents at one time. The mass exodus is because we, as a society, are getting to see more accountability. This is not strictly with the publishing world, but these trends of change are showing up in the subscriptions and websites I visit due to querying. In general, there are tremendous repercussions for off-hand comments expressed on social media, business sites, and even private emails. I am thankful for the large-scale reevaluation of priorities, expectations, and everyday expressions of opinions.

The bottom line is that so many people are constantly hurt, ostracized, and oppressed by standards of everyday life. To be mystified on how we got to this point is to completely ignore centuries of common practices put into place to keep the powerful in power. As I have said before, I am interested to see how persistent the current awareness and active push for change may be. I will say I am impressed, thus far.

I digress. To my point, the current list of agents to query is incomplete, since every facet of life seems to be making dramatic shifts. I only hope that I get an offer to work with an agent before exhausting available/applicable people to choose from.

Bees and hummingbirds…the pics today show all the active life near my house.