Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Updates On The Horizon

Total Queries: 38
Total Rejections: 11

White flower with snow

As you can tell from the updated numbers, I have been on-task with querying. This being said, I am getting back responses too. So far, all the responses have been form letters, mostly with a kind but firm no. Others have a less fluffy and more direct no. Either way, I haven’t any positive leads yet.

I decided to update some things on my query again. Specifically, I want to change my book comp. I believe my current comp is accurate, but I worry that it is not current or catchy enough. Who knows? There isn’t any feedback to refer to, so I am not sure if the query letter is the problem or something about the story. — AH! Back, back you invasive doubt!!! I think I will tinker a little more and see how it goes.

I am at the end of my enormous list of literary agents to query. Since I had multiple listed from each agency, the queries went a little faster than I thought. You cannot query more than one person from an agency at a time, so I will need to go back and re-query based on rejections. Is this the best route or should I just gather another list from Query Tracker and Publisher’s Marketplace to get fresh agencies? So many decisions and so little time.

Weather Channel screenshot

This is a complete change of subject, but can we just talk about the weather for a minute. Colorado weather is notoriously erratic, but it has truly risen to the level of 2020. September 8th is one of Colorado’s earliest snow days, and as you can see in the Weather Channel screenshot, 9/6 was almost 100 degrees and then the temp dropped, dramatically, two days later. We ultimately had snow on both Tuesday and Wednesday with an accumulation of about an inch or so. While it did snow most of those days, the ground was too warm for it to stick. On a positive note, the snow provided a lovely addition to pictures!

pink flower with snow