Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

I’m Still Around

Total Queries: 73
Total Rejections: 42

I officially made it through the winter break, and I am trying to settle back into a routine. I am finding it very difficult to focus on all the tasks that need to be accomplished. This is, of course, why I haven’t posted in…well…too long. Sorry about that.

My current writing/author goal is research. I am digging into all the things that go into self-publishing. My book is edited and designed as a paperback, but there is so much more to plan. A few of the larger projects are turning the paperback design into an e-book and recording an audiobook. I am aware an audiobook can be created for me through the ACX program, but I really want to attempt a recording myself. With an immense appreciation for audiobooks, including it in initial sales is a given for me.

A to Z of Self-Publishing

I found a really great (free) class created by self-published author Iain Rob Wright called A to Z of Self Publishing. It includes a wealth of information, most of which I didn’t realize was even a factor in the self-publishing world. So far, I typed up several pages of notes and have knowledge of further research needed to be embarked on.

Learn. Publish. Profit.

I anticipate at least 2 months (or more) of research and preparation before publishing. This gives any lingering agents the opportunity to reach out, although I am not sure that will happen. My last agent submission was 11/5/2020, so there has been ample time to contact me. We will see, I guess.