Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

So Much To Tell

While my posts have become less frequent (sorry), I have remained busy.

I completed writing and editing book 2 in the Divine Land Of Illur Series!!!!

I sent the manuscript to my editor a few weeks ago, and I am anxiously awaiting feedback. I certainly had times of wondering if completing the first book was a fluke, but writing two books feels like I may be on to something 🙂

I sat up in bed and was out of breath. I looked around as one of the women in gray came towards me. I tried to focus on her movement. She walked fast, but would not run. I was in need, why wouldn’t she run? I had a familiar feeling of frustration. This was the normal way I felt in this place.

What am I doing right now? I am writing a children’s book. My teenage son is constantly drawing something or another. So, I asked if he wanted me to make the bubble person he often sketches into a book character. He said yes, and I was off to write. It is definitely different from writing a 90,000 word full-length novel. Each word in a children’s book seems VERY important to the success of the book as a whole. Also, text and illustrations must be cohesive and interesting. There is so much to think about.

We decided on two books in one. The first story has been written, each page formatted with the text, exported to give the illustrator, and illustrations verbally outlined. I want to give him the chance to work on it before committing to the next story. I think it will eventually be completed, but I have no concept of a timeline for this. I believe we have entered the realm of “wait and see.”

I also want to go back and revisit a story my Dad wrote several years ago. It is also a children’s book. Re-reading it today made me remember all the reasons why I love it. I created a rough outline for it in InDesign before publishing Rescuers From Illur, and I have learned A LOT since then. The book design certainly needs to be reworked.

I am also diving back into book marketing. I did a lot of research before publication, but I did not reach the audience I wished for. I am only slightly discouraged. Thankfully, it moves me to gain more knowledge instead of giving up.