Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

About A Quarter Left

View from the library window - concrete path and trees
View from the library window - window frame with trees, grass, and mountains in the distance.

Divine Land of Illur, Book 3 – Current Word Count: 70,608

For a total book goal of 90,000 words, I only have about a quarter of the book left to write. This means the characters are heading towards the finish-line of their arcs. There is a final scene in mind for this book, and I am trying to get there (remember I am a pantser). By this point in Rescuers From Illur, book 1, I had penned the ending and backtracked to write what was in-between. That has not happened so far, but we will see how it goes.

View from the library window - window frame and a path - iPad and keyboard on a table

You may be asking – Is this the end of the Divine Land of Illur Series? Will it be a trilogy? This is NOT the last book of the series. As you will eventually see, book 3 is a little different and very revealing. You will finally find out things that everyone has wondered about for two books. So, there is still more to tell and at least one more book.


My son went to the movies a few weeks ago with some friends. Since the theater was nowhere near my home, I decided to find somewhere to write. The blog images show the view from the nearby library. As you can see from the pictures, I was there for several hours. The sunset was absolutely beautiful.

I would love to say I got a lot of writing done, but that was not the case. The people around me and scenic view were quite distracting. The area outside the window was a trail of some sort, so there was a constant cycle of dog-walkers, bicyclists, and joggers. Very picturesque, but not good for my concentration.

It would have been a good idea to explore the entire library before I chose a spot. Once it was time to leave, I finally wandered the building. There were many nooks with architecturally high-back chairs and tables. This setup would have allowed me to cut out distractions. Even with the low word count, I was happy I chose the window view instead.

View from the library window - window framing the sun setting
View from the library window - glow of sun setting beyond the mountains in the distance.