Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

NaNoWriMo Outlining

November is National Novel Writing Month – NaNoWriMo. This year I am participating in a slightly different way than intended. Since I am thoroughly converting from a pantser (write as it comes to me) to a planner (outline before writing), I am using this month to fully outline the Divine Land of Illur book 4.

Thus far, I created a rough outline of the entire novel. With this, I know there will be 14 chapters and book 4 will be the last of the series. Next, I wrote a basic outline of each chapter. Through this outline draft, I was able to make sure each chapter had interesting material and add hints/info for the reader throughout the story. I also made sure there was a balance in the pacing of slow and intense parts.

Now I am working on a detailed outline. This is a bullet-point version of what is happening in each chapter. I think this will help with the consistency of the story and eliminate potential plot holes. I’ve also figured out new characters’ names/descriptions. I usually wait until the end of the book to do this, which often creates issues in the editing process. Once I’ve finished the advanced chapter outline, I will start writing the actual book.

While this will be the last book of the series, I will not rule out writing in the world of Illur later. This might be a prequel, years-in-the-future sequel, or short stories. I am not sure yet. I have different YA stories rolling around in my head, and I would like to focus on those for a time. Rest assured, I love the complicated world of Illur, so I may not be able to resist writing in it again.