Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Front Matter

I finished designing the body of the book, which was a great process. Every small change had an incredible butterfly effect on the rest of the book. It took me an entire day to take care of widows and orphans, which are single lines of a paragraph at the top or bottom of a page. […]


Did I mention my Bachelor of Arts degree is in Multimedia and Web Design? Long story short, I have worked with Adobe products for many, many years. In my early College Instructor days, I even taught Illustrator, Photoshop, and After Effects. InDesign…well I never did a lot of print-work, so, not so much. Thankfully, it […]

Tagline & Blurb

I have been working on naming my book and creating a tagline/blurb. The name has evolved over the course of a month now, and I finally settled on one my Dad suggested. Funny enough, the title is from a line pulled directly from the book. Rescuers From DEMA

Check Mark

Current Editing Count: 161 of 161 pages Next milestone finished. First round editing – check mark! My editor is working on the document, and I already received some feedback. It is all very positive and only minor changes so far. Hopefully, it will stay that way. Interestingly enough, there are several people who have read […]

Editing My Life Away

Current Editing Count: 75 of 154 pages Ok, maybe I am not editing my life away, but it feels like it sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I actually like this process. I have become a pro at adjusting the tense of each sentence, then going back to edit for content. Rinse, repeat, and dry. Maybe, […]


Current Editing Count: 31 of 150 pages Apparently, I am just this side of sketchy, so they will let me into the TØP presale. YAY! Remember when I said I would hopefully get to see them from the pit one day? That day may be coming in October! I am still editing. I feel like […]

New Leg of The Tour

Another leg of the tour, huh? That was unexpected. I don’t think this changes anything, because there is still a break between the festivals (9/7/2019) and next leg of the tour (10/9/2019). It is a small window of time, so I need to get the manuscript mailed out by 9/1/2019. If I mail the book […]


Current Word Count: 85,056 Sorry to shout, but I am so excited!!!!! I wrote 3,158 words yesterday and 2,897 words today. I was really into the story and could not stop. My heart is truly filled with joy!!!!!!! My Dad has been reading my book for more than a week now, and will finish it […]

So close

Current Word Count: 80,188 Well, I hit my word count goal, but I am still writing. I knew this would happen, so I am not freaking out. See, preparation (even if it is only mental) is good. I have written 1,187 words today and am not finished. Although I will keep writing tonight, it will […]

Back Again

Current Word Count: 71,548 Writing at the amusement park seemed to work well last time, so we are going to continue. The kids are tickled that I am not stuck at my computer. Truly, all they want is to get out of the house and have fun. Did you notice my word count? AHHHHHH! I […]