Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing
winter tree branches

Actually Writing

Total Queries: 73Total Rejections: 35 The title is correct! I am actually researching and writing a book. I veered away from Book 2 for a moment, because I got hit with an idea for a new book. I am still trying to fully think through the concept, but I am very excited about the general […]

Reading NOT Writing

Total Queries: 73Total Rejections: 28 I officially stopped querying on November 5th. My heart flutters writing that. I was a few queries shy of my 75 query goal, but I am very pleased. Immense research went into the process and can truly say I only queried a few Literary Agents that didn’t explicitly say they […]

Lots of Queries

Total Queries: 67Total Rejections: 26 I’ve been busy querying over the last two weeks. I also participated in a Twitter pitch party (#pitDark). Not sure the 8 pitches (1 per hour) actually helped. I also worry the few people who follow me thought I went crazy. Well, I am doing what I can to get […]


Total Queries: 47Total Rejections: 18 I want to write. It really can’t get more simple than that. Why am I not writing? Great question, but will my answer be sufficient? I am not writing because I believe I need to balance everything in my life. One block is assigned to being an author and currently […]


Just in case you are unaware of the term, neurodiversity is defined by the Neurodiversity Symposium as “a concept where neurological differences are to be recognized and respected as any other human variation. These differences can include those labeled with Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Dyscalculia, Autistic Spectrum, Tourette Syndrome, and others.” My heart […]

Updates On The Horizon

Total Queries: 38Total Rejections: 11 As you can tell from the updated numbers, I have been on-task with querying. This being said, I am getting back responses too. So far, all the responses have been form letters, mostly with a kind but firm no. Others have a less fluffy and more direct no. Either way, […]

Settling In

Total Queries: 30Total Rejections: 6 After a month hiatus from querying, I am settling into a routine. Each day I work, help the kids with school, query, and a few other happy endeavors. I am a creature of habit, so organizing my days feels right. I queried six literary agents this week and found a […]


Total Queries: 24Total Rejections: 4 Nothing like work and the kids’ school starting back up to stop everything else in its tracks. I am sorry to report that I have not queried any agents in the last two weeks. This makes me upset, but there is no changing it. I have to figure out a […]


Keep Going

Total Queries: 18Total Rejections: 3 As I sit here querying, I hear Dory’s words “just keep swimming, just keep swimming” over and over in my head. It would be annoying if it wasn’t so cute. I am working my way through the agent list I made months ago. I have been updating as I go […]

New Query, Again

Total Queries: 14Total Rejections: 3 On an incredibly positive note, I finished a short synopsis for my book and sent queries to three agents who requested it in their guidelines. YAY! Lets just take a moment to be happy. — So nice, isn’t it! Ok, back to reality. I have also been busy rewriting my […]