Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing


The next task in getting Rescuers From Illur into the hands of the masses is to find a Literary Agent. These talented individuals are intermediaries between authors and publishers. If an agent really likes your book, they will fight for a good book deal with the right publisher. To me it seems like a very […]


I really need to come up with better, more inventive ways to tell you I have finished. Rescuers From Illur has been edited (once again) and sent to multiple people for their reading enjoyment. I am very excited to say that one of the readers did not read the original book. She will be able […]

Goal In My Sights

I am still working on fine-tuning the book. My goal is to be finished with this edit (the last major edit, for awhile maybe) by the end of the week. If I can keep focused on what needs to be accomplished, I should succeed. I am highlighting any changes, so I can go back to […]

Where Have You Been?

Today is the day! I finally made myself get back to editing this morning. Not wanting to work on Rescuers From Illur (new title) has been such a difficult hurdle to overcome. The problem was caused by my blah mood and the lack of purpose reigning supreme in the household. It doesn’t help that the […]

Trying Times

I am still going through the story and making small adjustments. It has been difficult to concentrate on anything for long, so I have been starting and stopping in irregular (for me) intervals while at my computer. There is so much going on in the world. The sickness is spreading like wildfire. Someday, somewhere, there […]


I am about half-way finished editing the book. I feel like a person going through a bag of mostly smooth rocks, just polishing the occasional blemish. Every once in a while, I find a place where a comma is prudent or perhaps re-wording might make the prose just that much more lovely. Shouldn’t I be […]

Finished, Again

I finished writing/editing, again. I’m thoroughly happy with the changes I made to the story. I added a number of new characters, changed the names of some people/concepts, and padded the ending. What is next you ask? Although you ask that a lot, I am happy to tell you…editing! I will need to go through […]

Courting Those Edits

I couldn’t pass up using the clever (subjective) wording in the title. I did something last night that I have never done before, I went to a professional basketball game. I truly had a great time! There were amazing people around me and the game/music/half-time was very entertaining. Editing/writing is going well. I am almost […]

Cold But Working

Somehow, I was not ready for the bitter cold that welcomed me this morning. It was interesting to see the crazy snow/ice texture near my car. Once I made it safely inside, without sliding to my death, I found it even more fascinating. On to the subject of writing and editing. I’m beginning to wonder […]

Nothing Major

I am steadily working on editing book 1 and adding in some new things as I go along. I have not added anything major, yet. There was one mention that was quite different from before, but minor in the scope of changes I will be making. I am quite sure my total word count will […]