Cajah The Author

A Journey Of Writing

Working Through It

Current Word Count: 31,540 Sorry for the radio silence, but as the title indicates, there is a lot going on. Thankfully, it is nothing too bad, simply a lot. Very relatable situation: the millions of things we need to do each day consumes our lives. Sometimes it is difficult to swim out of this and […]

Packages Delivered

Current Word Count: 16,027 I picked up my beautifully printed books and mailed them out two days ago. I have been working so hard to send out a finished, professional book. After many rounds of editing and a lot of effort, I am very pleased with the way the book turned out! While my timeline […]

New Proof

Current Word Count: 12,918 I picked up my new proof yesterday and it looks so much better! The new version had many changes that turned out amazing! Last night, I adjusted a few stars on the back cover of the book that were too close to the text, and I sent the file to the […]

Proofing And Writing

Current Word Count: 7,923 I received the proof of my book, and I have been going through it. Needless to say there are errors. Most of the issues inside the book are either missing commas or design choices that need to change. The book cover is also very dark and too red. It did not […]

Writing again?

Current Word Count: 2,391 The files are still with the printer, and I should be able to pickup a proof today. I am really looking forward to holding the book in my hands. So, now what? FYI, I am a list girl. I have a long list of things that I need to do to […]

Cover Art Finished

I am so thankful that the cover art is complete! I adjusted errors found in the interior of the book design and sent the files to the printing company last night! MILESTONE! The art itself is absolutely stunning. Michael did such a great job! The inside of the building is so detailed. There are wood […]


I’m astounded at how much the cover has progressed in the span of one day. I know the cover art still has a ways to go, but I can see the finish line! I believe the cover copy is in place for the most part. YAY! Almost ready for the printer! I also finished the […]

Working On A Cover

The Cover Designer is working hard on the art, but we decided that I need to figure out the placement of the cover text. I got a rough version of the cover and began designing the copy. It still needs a lot of work, but I am pleased with the initial version. I’m missing textual […]

Deadlines And Errors

It could be going better. I think this post could simply contain that single line in large print to properly express the situation. You probably want to know more, though. The book cover is nowhere near done. I finally gave up and extended the deadline through the weekend. To top it off, I found an […]

Almost Ready To Print

My plan is to print a VERY short run of about 15 books. The idea is to send a book to TØP, instead of a loose manuscript. I believe it will look more professional and show that I am serious about publishing this book. Follow along with me: Printer needs the files by 8/23/2019 Approve […]