Book 2 Writing Complete

Everyone keeps asking when I will have book 2 ready…well, I finished writing it! There is a long way to go yet, but we are on our way. The next step is to self-edit multiple times, and then send it to my editor, Danielle. So much editing ahead!!

Editing The Sequel

Between the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020, I wrote 53,000 words on book 2 of the Divine Land Of Illur series. That is over half of the book completed. I stopped writing after abandoning the traditional publishing route, and focused back on my original plan of self-publishing. Due to this, my year has […]

Reading NOT Writing

Total Queries: 73Total Rejections: 28 I officially stopped querying on November 5th. My heart flutters writing that. I was a few queries shy of my 75 query goal, but I am very pleased. Immense research went into the process and can truly say I only queried a few Literary Agents that didn’t explicitly say they […]


Current Word Count: 52,719 As you can see from my word count, I have not been writing much lately. I could say it is because of how overwhelming this time of year is or family time has taken over, but it would not be true. I’ve come to realize my first book, as it is, […]


Current Word Count – 51,434 I feel a sense of accomplishment, because I just filled in a blank from the first book. That is right, payoff in the second book from an obscure, but important (at least to me) part of the first book. This is another one of those plot pieces that I made […]

Working Through It

Current Word Count: 31,540 Sorry for the radio silence, but as the title indicates, there is a lot going on. Thankfully, it is nothing too bad, simply a lot. Very relatable situation: the millions of things we need to do each day consumes our lives. Sometimes it is difficult to swim out of this and […]

Packages Delivered

Current Word Count: 16,027 I picked up my beautifully printed books and mailed them out two days ago. I have been working so hard to send out a finished, professional book. After many rounds of editing and a lot of effort, I am very pleased with the way the book turned out! While my timeline […]

Writing again?

Current Word Count: 2,391 The files are still with the printer, and I should be able to pickup a proof today. I am really looking forward to holding the book in my hands. So, now what? FYI, I am a list girl. I have a long list of things that I need to do to […]