Names Are Funny Things

One of the first things to do, according to my plan to adjust the first book for publishing, is address my characters. I have spent about a week coming up with new names, additional characters, and scenarios. Thankfully the plot, characters, and settings were all mine, but I need to change the background ideas (the […]

Check Mark

Current Editing Count: 161 of 161 pages Next milestone finished. First round editing – check mark! My editor is working on the document, and I already received some feedback. It is all very positive and only minor changes so far. Hopefully, it will stay that way. Interestingly enough, there are several people who have read […]

Back Again

Current Word Count: 71,548 Writing at the amusement park seemed to work well last time, so we are going to continue. The kids are tickled that I am not stuck at my computer. Truly, all they want is to get out of the house and have fun. Did you notice my word count? AHHHHHH! I […]

Beach And Writing

Current Word Count: 48,190 Not far past Savannah, Georgia, you will find Tybee Island. It is a magical place filled with turtles, sand, and beautiful water. I brought my Dad and children to Tybee when the kids were little (toddlers), and it is a different experience now that the kids are self-sufficient (tween/teen). Tybee has […]

Counting My Words and Time

Current Word Count: 15,131 I will include my current word count from now on. This will help to show my progress better than anything I can say. I will brag a bit that I wrote 3,476 words today. That is far from typical, but I was really on a roll! I decided on an Estimated […]

Little By Little

I am really trying to be organized. It does happen every once in awhile. This time I want to keep all of my characters organized. I just added several more to my story and it seems important to keep everyone in order. I also want to streamline my naming process. So…my naming process is particularly […]