Twenty Øne Piløts Concert Denver

Current Word Count: 43,270 As you will be able to tell from the pictures, it pays to camp out all day, even in the freezing snow. I was very close to the stage! I will take just a moment to compare the Jacksonville show with Denver. I’m very happy I got to go to both […]

Book In Hand

Current Word Count: 42,639 I had the pleasure and opportunity to go to the Twenty Øne Piløts concert at the Pepsi Center in Denver on October 27th. I got to the stadium at 4:30 am and was told I could not line up until 6:00 am. I went back to my car to warm up…oh, […]


Current Editing Count: 31 of 150 pages Apparently, I am just this side of sketchy, so they will let me into the TØP presale. YAY! Remember when I said I would hopefully get to see them from the pit one day? That day may be coming in October! I am still editing. I feel like […]

New Leg of The Tour

Another leg of the tour, huh? That was unexpected. I don’t think this changes anything, because there is still a break between the festivals (9/7/2019) and next leg of the tour (10/9/2019). It is a small window of time, so I need to get the manuscript mailed out by 9/1/2019. If I mail the book […]

Home Again, Home Again

Current Word Count: 55,238 We arrived home (Denver) yesterday, and I am still recovering from all the travel. Is that why people say they need a vacation from their vacation? I just need a minute to unpack, do laundry, and get back to normal life. I am thankful that I got the opportunity to be […]

Twenty Øne Piløts Concert

Current Word Count: 50,168 I planned a week at the beach when I chose to visit family in Georgia. I needed to get away and have a “real” vacation within the trip back to my childhood home. I can be a guilt-ridden person, so if I get an opportunity to travel (not often), I always […]