Deadlines And Errors

It could be going better. I think this post could simply contain that single line in large print to properly express the situation. You probably want to know more, though. The book cover is nowhere near done. I finally gave up and extended the deadline through the weekend. To top it off, I found an […]

Check Mark

Current Editing Count: 161 of 161 pages Next milestone finished. First round editing – check mark! My editor is working on the document, and I already received some feedback. It is all very positive and only minor changes so far. Hopefully, it will stay that way. Interestingly enough, there are several people who have read […]

Editing My Life Away

Current Editing Count: 75 of 154 pages Ok, maybe I am not editing my life away, but it feels like it sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I actually like this process. I have become a pro at adjusting the tense of each sentence, then going back to edit for content. Rinse, repeat, and dry. Maybe, […]


Current Editing Count: 31 of 150 pages Apparently, I am just this side of sketchy, so they will let me into the TØP presale. YAY! Remember when I said I would hopefully get to see them from the pit one day? That day may be coming in October! I am still editing. I feel like […]