NaNoWriMo Complete

Current Word Count: 56,311 National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is officially over with the ending of November. I wrote 35,029 words from 11/1 – 11/30. While the goal was 50K words, I am very happy with my word count. I wrote very little during the holiday week because my family had off from work and […]

I’m Still Around

Total Queries: 73Total Rejections: 42 I officially made it through the winter break, and I am trying to settle back into a routine. I am finding it very difficult to focus on all the tasks that need to be accomplished. This is, of course, why I haven’t posted in…well…too long. Sorry about that. My current […]

Tagged and Edited

I tagged and edited every blog post. I also resized a few pictures. The blog looks pretty good, now. I really enjoyed going through everything and reliving parts of my writing process. Thankfully, it seems like I have grown as an author and a person. The crystal ball (nah, I have a list) now says […]

New Leg of The Tour

Another leg of the tour, huh? That was unexpected. I don’t think this changes anything, because there is still a break between the festivals (9/7/2019) and next leg of the tour (10/9/2019). It is a small window of time, so I need to get the manuscript mailed out by 9/1/2019. If I mail the book […]

So close

Current Word Count: 80,188 Well, I hit my word count goal, but I am still writing. I knew this would happen, so I am not freaking out. See, preparation (even if it is only mental) is good. I have written 1,187 words today and am not finished. Although I will keep writing tonight, it will […]

Back Again

Current Word Count: 71,548 Writing at the amusement park seemed to work well last time, so we are going to continue. The kids are tickled that I am not stuck at my computer. Truly, all they want is to get out of the house and have fun. Did you notice my word count? AHHHHHH! I […]

Counting My Words and Time

Current Word Count: 15,131 I will include my current word count from now on. This will help to show my progress better than anything I can say. I will brag a bit that I wrote 3,476 words today. That is far from typical, but I was really on a roll! I decided on an Estimated […]