
Current Word Count: 52,719 As you can see from my word count, I have not been writing much lately. I could say it is because of how overwhelming this time of year is or family time has taken over, but it would not be true. I’ve come to realize my first book, as it is, […]

Nothing Happening

Current Word Count: 31,959 I am essentially sitting here writing nothing. I adjusted and added onto what I wrote yesterday…but today – nothing. My mind is wandering through all the things I must do in the coming week, and I am daydreaming about the concert in two weeks. Instead of writing, I simply stare at […]

Working Through It

Current Word Count: 31,540 Sorry for the radio silence, but as the title indicates, there is a lot going on. Thankfully, it is nothing too bad, simply a lot. Very relatable situation: the millions of things we need to do each day consumes our lives. Sometimes it is difficult to swim out of this and […]

New Proof

Current Word Count: 12,918 I picked up my new proof yesterday and it looks so much better! The new version had many changes that turned out amazing! Last night, I adjusted a few stars on the back cover of the book that were too close to the text, and I sent the file to the […]