Current Word Count: 85,056 Sorry to shout, but I am so excited!!!!! I wrote 3,158 words yesterday and 2,897 words today. I was really into the story and could not stop. My heart is truly filled with joy!!!!!!! My Dad has been reading my book for more than a week now, and will finish it […]

Back Again

Current Word Count: 71,548 Writing at the amusement park seemed to work well last time, so we are going to continue. The kids are tickled that I am not stuck at my computer. Truly, all they want is to get out of the house and have fun. Did you notice my word count? AHHHHHH! I […]

Writer Competition

Current Word Count: 44,124 I NEEDED to share more pictures of my writing companion. Today, our relationship started with a “you need to love me” sort of scenario. Then we were good (mutually respectful) for awhile. Next thing I knew Ma (the cat) told me she didn’t like where my story was going and wrote […]

Primary & Secondary

Current Word Count: 24,536 It is getting easier to write everyday. It is a cathartic experience to sit and watch a story develop on the page. I know I am the person making it happen, but it also feels like a natural (almost disconnected) process now. I sit and dump information from my brain into […]