Scaled And Icy

New era – new look – continued storyline! I am so excited about the announcement of a new Twenty Øne Piløts album entitled Scaled And Icy. I have been incredibly worried that TØP would come out with new material, leaving the DEMA world behind. Instead, they seem to be stuck inside DEMA and are controlled […]


Current Word Count: 52,719 As you can see from my word count, I have not been writing much lately. I could say it is because of how overwhelming this time of year is or family time has taken over, but it would not be true. I’ve come to realize my first book, as it is, […]

Twenty Øne Piløts Concert Denver

Current Word Count: 43,270 As you will be able to tell from the pictures, it pays to camp out all day, even in the freezing snow. I was very close to the stage! I will take just a moment to compare the Jacksonville show with Denver. I’m very happy I got to go to both […]

Book In Hand

Current Word Count: 42,639 I had the pleasure and opportunity to go to the Twenty Øne Piløts concert at the Pepsi Center in Denver on October 27th. I got to the stadium at 4:30 am and was told I could not line up until 6:00 am. I went back to my car to warm up…oh, […]

Writing again?

Current Word Count: 2,391 The files are still with the printer, and I should be able to pickup a proof today. I am really looking forward to holding the book in my hands. So, now what? FYI, I am a list girl. I have a long list of things that I need to do to […]

Cover Art Finished

I am so thankful that the cover art is complete! I adjusted errors found in the interior of the book design and sent the files to the printing company last night! MILESTONE! The art itself is absolutely stunning. Michael did such a great job! The inside of the building is so detailed. There are wood […]

Almost Ready To Print

My plan is to print a VERY short run of about 15 books. The idea is to send a book to TØP, instead of a loose manuscript. I believe it will look more professional and show that I am serious about publishing this book. Follow along with me: Printer needs the files by 8/23/2019 Approve […]


Current Editing Count: 31 of 150 pages Apparently, I am just this side of sketchy, so they will let me into the TØP presale. YAY! Remember when I said I would hopefully get to see them from the pit one day? That day may be coming in October! I am still editing. I feel like […]

New Leg of The Tour

Another leg of the tour, huh? That was unexpected. I don’t think this changes anything, because there is still a break between the festivals (9/7/2019) and next leg of the tour (10/9/2019). It is a small window of time, so I need to get the manuscript mailed out by 9/1/2019. If I mail the book […]

Twenty Øne Piløts Concert

Current Word Count: 50,168 I planned a week at the beach when I chose to visit family in Georgia. I needed to get away and have a “real” vacation within the trip back to my childhood home. I can be a guilt-ridden person, so if I get an opportunity to travel (not often), I always […]