
Current Word Count: 52,719 As you can see from my word count, I have not been writing much lately. I could say it is because of how overwhelming this time of year is or family time has taken over, but it would not be true. I’ve come to realize my first book, as it is, […]


Current Word Count – 51,434 I feel a sense of accomplishment, because I just filled in a blank from the first book. That is right, payoff in the second book from an obscure, but important (at least to me) part of the first book. This is another one of those plot pieces that I made […]


Current Word Count: 48,805 Well, if you look at my current word count, you can see that I am a little over half-way finished with the book. Alternately, if you compare my word count to my last post (43,270), you will notice writing slowed dramatically over the last 22 days. I only wrote 5,535 words […]

Writing again?

Current Word Count: 2,391 The files are still with the printer, and I should be able to pickup a proof today. I am really looking forward to holding the book in my hands. So, now what? FYI, I am a list girl. I have a long list of things that I need to do to […]


Current Word Count: 85,056 Sorry to shout, but I am so excited!!!!! I wrote 3,158 words yesterday and 2,897 words today. I was really into the story and could not stop. My heart is truly filled with joy!!!!!!! My Dad has been reading my book for more than a week now, and will finish it […]

So close

Current Word Count: 80,188 Well, I hit my word count goal, but I am still writing. I knew this would happen, so I am not freaking out. See, preparation (even if it is only mental) is good. I have written 1,187 words today and am not finished. Although I will keep writing tonight, it will […]

Back Again

Current Word Count: 71,548 Writing at the amusement park seemed to work well last time, so we are going to continue. The kids are tickled that I am not stuck at my computer. Truly, all they want is to get out of the house and have fun. Did you notice my word count? AHHHHHH! I […]

Amusement Park Adventure

Current Word Count: 64,735 We have season passes to Elitch Gardens Theme Park and the kids love it. I, on the other hand, go on very few rides. I’m not sure what happened, because I used to ride all the thrill rides as a kid at Six Flags Over Georgia. I cannot even stomach the […]

Beach And Writing

Current Word Count: 48,190 Not far past Savannah, Georgia, you will find Tybee Island. It is a magical place filled with turtles, sand, and beautiful water. I brought my Dad and children to Tybee when the kids were little (toddlers), and it is a different experience now that the kids are self-sufficient (tween/teen). Tybee has […]

Pure Beauty

Soak that in for a moment…. I get to write in this beauty all weekend. I am a lucky girl. My family and I are at a camp in Gypsum, Colorado. It will mostly be family time, with a bit of writing in-between. Lets see if my word count actually goes up by Monday. Current […]