Writer Habits – Stephen King

One of my goals for 2023 is to research the writing habits of other authors. I find this immensely interesting! So many authors adopt specific routines and ideals to make their space, time, or mind ready for writing. Some of these habits bring comfort, while others are used to flip a “readiness” switch in their […]


Author Goals 2023

Editing: 209 of 258 pages Going into the new year I wanted to set some year-long goals for myself. This is not a resolution to be tossed away by the end of January, but guidelines to help progress as an author. When I chose the goals, I needed to look at all aspects of my […]

Repeated Words

Editing: 110 of 258 pages When you are writing, it is common to repeat words. During the first draft of your story, the entire goal is getting all the story in your mind onto the computer (or whatever your method of writing may be). During the endless cycle of edits, there are so many elements […]

First Draft Complete

I am happy to report the first draft of Book 3 in the Divine Land Of Illur Series is complete. I wrote 81,958 words. That is less than my first two books, but still within the goal of 80 – 90K. I also know there are many areas of the manuscript that need descriptions added. […]

About A Quarter Left

Divine Land of Illur, Book 3 – Current Word Count: 70,608 For a total book goal of 90,000 words, I only have about a quarter of the book left to write. This means the characters are heading towards the finish-line of their arcs. There is a final scene in mind for this book, and I […]


I officially completed 7 days of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). There are daily (1,667) and weekly (11,669) goals that will eventually get you to a 30-day, November achievement of 50,000 words. So far, my daily writing sessions are going well, even though my total words written on Saturday was low. Since I surpassed my […]


Yesterday was the first day of the National Novel Writing Month. The goal of NaNoWriMo is to write 50,000 words by the end of November. If you do the math (50000/30), this means I need to write at least 1,666 words per day to achieve the goal. This seems like something I can accomplish, and […]

Book 3 Progress

I started writing book 3 of the Divine Land of Illur Series on June 1st. A very interesting “thing” has occurred with book 3, making it different in a lot of ways from the previous books. I am excited about this change and hope all the readers of the series will be too. I am […]

So Much To Tell

While my posts have become less frequent (sorry), I have remained busy. I completed writing and editing book 2 in the Divine Land Of Illur Series!!!! I sent the manuscript to my editor a few weeks ago, and I am anxiously awaiting feedback. I certainly had times of wondering if completing the first book was […]

Book 2 Writing Complete

Everyone keeps asking when I will have book 2 ready…well, I finished writing it! There is a long way to go yet, but we are on our way. The next step is to self-edit multiple times, and then send it to my editor, Danielle. So much editing ahead!!