Slow Going

To say things are slow going is actually being quite kind to myself. It is halting…then a bit of progress…halting again…then a little more progress. School has started back and my role has temporarily altered. I am working through the change by doing what I can on the weekends. My timeline for editing is out […]

Editing The Sequel

Between the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020, I wrote 53,000 words on book 2 of the Divine Land Of Illur series. That is over half of the book completed. I stopped writing after abandoning the traditional publishing route, and focused back on my original plan of self-publishing. Due to this, my year has […]


As a debut author, the joy of uploading your first novel to bookstores is overwhelming! I will also admit, there is fear in putting words and effort bundled into a story out in the world. While I have encountered positive feedback so far, the masses might be more critical. I understand this is part of […]

winter tree branches

Actually Writing

Total Queries: 73Total Rejections: 35 The title is correct! I am actually researching and writing a book. I veered away from Book 2 for a moment, because I got hit with an idea for a new book. I am still trying to fully think through the concept, but I am very excited about the general […]


Total Queries: 47Total Rejections: 18 I want to write. It really can’t get more simple than that. Why am I not writing? Great question, but will my answer be sufficient? I am not writing because I believe I need to balance everything in my life. One block is assigned to being an author and currently […]

Settling In

Total Queries: 30Total Rejections: 6 After a month hiatus from querying, I am settling into a routine. Each day I work, help the kids with school, query, and a few other happy endeavors. I am a creature of habit, so organizing my days feels right. I queried six literary agents this week and found a […]

Tagged and Edited

I tagged and edited every blog post. I also resized a few pictures. The blog looks pretty good, now. I really enjoyed going through everything and reliving parts of my writing process. Thankfully, it seems like I have grown as an author and a person. The crystal ball (nah, I have a list) now says […]

Stephen King

What We Know

One of the reoccurring items on several websites discussing the perfect query letter was the suggestion to read Stephen King’s non-fiction novel – On Writing. Site after site talked about how insightful and amazing the book was. As a huge fan of King, it didn’t take much for me to immediately get the book. What […]

Finished, Again

I finished writing/editing, again. I’m thoroughly happy with the changes I made to the story. I added a number of new characters, changed the names of some people/concepts, and padded the ending. What is next you ask? Although you ask that a lot, I am happy to tell you…editing! I will need to go through […]

Courting Those Edits

I couldn’t pass up using the clever (subjective) wording in the title. I did something last night that I have never done before, I went to a professional basketball game. I truly had a great time! There were amazing people around me and the game/music/half-time was very entertaining. Editing/writing is going well. I am almost […]